Program is free for use and to distribute.
ICD database is formed from on-line data from website (U.S.), where also the latest information of the classification can be found.
There will be some improvements to the program which are to be released at later time.
ICD10ENG.exe (32-bit version, 1.00 3/2020)
MD5-checksum: ac8dde4443f491bf86fd84d01acb2745
There is no actual installation utility, but program is to be downloaded and placed into desired subdirectory, and it can be executed from there. Via the 'Info'-button there is a link with which an icon to program can be created into desktop.
I always recommend precautions with programs downloaded from Internet, and it is also recommended to virusscan this program before execution.
3/2020, P.U. Finland. Last updated 12.3.2020